Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mostly I didN'T SUPrise anyone

I have been known to make great attempts at change with adverse results....Hence my 2 month absence. I was busy so here is the photo reverse.

SWeeT early birthday giFT fROm the B and jOHn

ScaMPIN in rhiNElaNDER

rode the smOKING SPOke course... some trails are great some are way too short, some are just not gonna last due to their fall line... the ramps are a blast!!! the whole thing rides like it's in a kid's back yard. it had a smallishness i wasn't expecting because of the remote location of the trail

remember 24-9 it was the last year of the pinkness, it was a good year

this is kinda how i felt after the race

this is kt starting us off

jay had a tough couple days...

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